Monday, November 22, 2010

Trip Up To Camerons Once A Decade

It's been about 10 years since I went to Camerons. It was with a group of friends one weekend when strangely enough, we decided NOT to go clubbing. So when Lord Gaga's family suggested a trip up there, I was pretty excited. I also wanted Baby A to experience a cooler climate. So I bought and borrowed some winter clothings for her and off we went!

The new highway is excellent and is not as windy as the old road which is headache and puke inducing for many. Just 2 hours from KL and we we're already among the clouds.

What's the best thing to do in Camerons at night when it's a chilly 18C? Steam boat of course! We had this in some restaurant in Brinchang. There's also the charcoal version which we did not try.
Baby A all wrapped up in her new hoodie.
Baby A in her hat complete with ear coverings.
A trip to Camerons is never complete without a visit to the tea plantations. Yes, even though I go every single time I'm in Camerons. We had to park at the bottom of the hill then trek up. Good thing the weather was nice and I had the sling to carry Baby A in.
While the cool air was lovely and the trip was a chillaxing one, I doubt I'd be going back any time soon because every time there's a market selling the local produce of fruits, veges and flowers ... there's bound to be a massive jam. It took us 45 minutes to move 1km from Equitorial Hotel where we were staying towards Brinchang town. In fact, we didn't even reach Brinchang because it wasn't worth another 45 mins sitting in a jam to get there. And once there, we didn't want to think about the parking. It was like the whole of Malaysia was holidaying in Camerons. If we ever think of going to Camerons again, I'm going to just take a look at this photo

and be reminded why I'm not going to Camerons in at least another 10 years.
Align Center

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