Saturday, August 23, 2008

Times Ware House Sale till 1 Sept 2008

Times Book Store is having a warehouse sale in Plaza Damas till 1 Sept. In between supervising contractors at the new apartment, I go to the sale. I've been 3 times so far. Twice on the same day. I just can't resist book sales. This one is not fantastic. There aren't that many best sellers and those available were only 3at 30% off. But there are less famous titles for 90% off. Of course this means you'll have so sift through the thousands of books and get a slight neck ache from reading the titles on the book spines which are placed on high and low shelves as well as on low tables. And a back ache from squatting and stooping to look at the booked placed on the floor.

But I love it. Ever on the lookout for the rare gem of a title and and a large discount to boot! And at my 3rd visit there, I found 'My Fat Brother' by Jim Keeble. That was Jim's first book and I rented it 5 years ago. Back when I didn't have that much money to buy books which are ridiculously expensive in Malaysia.

It was about this guy who had a fall out with his brother so he broke into the London Zoo to steal a penguin as a peace offering. Totally hilarious. Finally found it so I bought it to keep and possibly reread at some point if I ever manage to finish the 2 tall sacks of bought but unread books at home. I'm one of those who like to keep books after I've read them. Just looking at them on the book shelf gives me a small sense of joy. My new home will have 3 book cases and I can't wait to move in and fill them.

I can't seem to find Jim's second book 'Men And Other Mammals'. All the book shops don't seem to have stock of it. Maybe I'll find it at the Times book sale.

What Animal Is Master Shifu?

With the wedding plans and house move taking up most of my waking houses, I've not had much time to watch many movies.

Apart from the latest 'The Mummy' which I watched only because Untold Images gave free tickets to all of Saatchi a few weeks ago, I've not watched any movies in months, at home or at the cinema.

So it was time to catch up! Paul and I just watched Kung Fu Panda which was totally hilarious and entertaining.

At the end of the movie, I still didn't know what animal Master Shifu was. Did u wonder that too? Because alot of other people did! I turned to the trusty net and found so many people asking the same question. He's a red panda! We don't know much about that creature but he sure is cute.

I now would like a red panda as a pet.

A Brief Explanation

There have not been many posts from me of late because a lot has happened. I didn’t have much time to digest what has happened, what more post it all up. Some would call it some what dramatic.

As of 2 weeks ago, I’m no longer at Saatchi. The details are too long and possibly too sensitive for me to elaborate further but essentially, I’m jobless but I’m still being employed by Saatchi. A strange concept huh?

On the first Monday which I didn’t need to be at work, I woke at 8am only to realize that I didn’t have to be at work.

After 3 years, your body sort of gets into a routine. Those years there were filled with challenges, frustrations, learnings, drunkenness, travel, fun, crazy times and the forging of some strong friendships.

I felt a sense of loss when I didn’t need to go to work. I wanted the familiar environment during a weekday, I wanted structure and I missed my friends and colleagues!

But as a wise friend told me, I’m not Bubbles of Saatchi. I’m Bubbles the Powerpuff Girl! I don’t need work to feel justified!

I now spend my time by planning for the weeding and the honeymoon, planning to move to a new home and lunches with all the colleagues I miss. And also catching up with friends whom I didn’t have time to meet because I was constantly tied up with work.

So for all the friends and readers who have been concerned after reading my last post, thank you but I’m in a very good place right now. It started out with apprehension, fear and doubt but right now, I could not have asked for a better outcome. How many people get to have time to plan their wedding and move house yet not have a need to worry about money?

I’m more tired now that I was when I was working. But I’m tired out doing all the things which are important to me and that makes all the difference in the world.

And best of all, once the wedding is over and I’ll come back from the honeymoon, I’ll be starting a new job in another agency with a better position and better pay. More details about that when I reach that bridge.

So really, I could not have asked for a better outcome for the position I was in.

Expect more posts from me now that I have more time on my hands and as the wedding comes closer.

I would like to express my deepest thanks to friends who have helped me trough this period. The things which you’ve done and even just your thoughts and support have touched me. I’m truly blessed.

Friday, August 08, 2008

A Sense of Loss

A sense of loss
A change which came within 2 days grace
I can't say it was expected
Yet when the message came forth
A sense of shock descends
A 10 seconds lapse
The truth sets in
A dream for anyone in my position
Impossible for most
A timely gift is delivered
With shock comes appreciation
Precious time is given
After 3 years of mine
You'll remain in my heart
As I pack and leave
And wait 2 months
For our final farewell.