Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Amount of Work Done in One Day
Monday, January 22, 2007
One Moment
Just before Christmas I spoke to God. I asked him for a man.
A man with face I can love more and more each day.
A man whom I can respect. One whom I can look up to. Literally and metaphorically.
A man with ambition and drive. To be strong and achieves what he wants.
A man who will take care of me. And let me take care of him in return.
A man who would hold my hand. And I’ll know that it’s a perfect fit.
A man with whom I’ll have similar interests yet see me as an individual.
A man who lived close by. And You granted that he lives up the road from me.
A man who’s kisses would send shockwaves down my spine. And make my skin tingle.
A man who would put me first as he will come first in my life.
A man who will share my hopes and dreams. And weave new ones together.
A man who’s the missing piece of the puzzle. Who’s the right fit for me.
A man who would love me as much as I love him.
A man who’s a man and not a boy.
Thank you God for sending me that very man.
The last week has been amazing, wonderful, weird and natural at the same time.
And it all happened in one single moment.
All that I’ve been through in life before this; all the ups and the downs. The joys and the frustration. The tears and the doubts. All the lessons learnt. They have all prepared me for this one single moment.
One moment. One life changing moment.
I can’t wait for the future to happen.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Commando Rabbit in the Jungle

Commando Rabbit surveys the terrain. He concludes that the campsite is safe to set up camp and is less prone to attacks. Or at least we will have access to fresh water and have a vantage point.

Friday, January 12, 2007
Forgive Me Flowers
Have not received 'Please forgive me' flowers before and really don't know what to make of it. Yes the flowers did make me smile as it was such a lovely sight in the middle of a very stressing work day. But whether I'm less angry, I'm not quite sure.
All i know is that the flowers were a right move.
I can smell the scent of the lilies as i type this.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
How to steal a Spring Onion
Sin Cyn, Michelle Shell, Salt Boy Soon Min and I were at our favourite coffee shop in Sec 17 waiting for our food when Sin Cyn spotted a basket of spring onion. She commented that she was making baked potatoes that night and didn't want to buy a whole bunch from the store and that she only needed one stalk and wondered of she should take one stalk from the basket. She passed her hand bag over, Salt Boy unzipped it, I placed a stalk in and she zipped the bag up. We stole a spring onion!
Sin Cyn is the mastermind. Bubbles is the stealer. Salt Boy is the accomplice. Michelle Shell didn't do anything but she did witness it, so she's the accessory!
Malaysia & Singapore Vintage Car Register - 1st Meeting of 2007
Wijay says that I FFKed him in Dec for the MSVCR meeting. Didn’t exactly FFK him but I decided to go for this one in Jan even though it starts at 8 in the morning! On a Sunday! What a mad hour. And on a Sunday!
Anyway he was sweet to come n pick me up in his Triumph Spitfire. Such a sexy topless car. I maintain that this car needs a name. Mustard Bastard and Cyan Diane (I named her!) both have names so it’s really unfair that the Spitfire doesn’t have one. At least Wijay admits that she’s a ‘she’. So we can start working with that.
Arrived in Gazebo to meet the rest of the classic and vintage car drivers. There were a lot of lovely cars, some in immaculate conditions. Turnout was good. We had about 25 cars, from Minis to Opels to Austin Haleys to Beemers.
Karamjit Singh was there with his Opel. I forget the model.
Thereafter we drove to Klang for breakfast. It was a very nice drive with lovely weather. Wind in the hair with the top down kinda thing. I’m just missing my scarf and Jackie O sunglasses.
Michael is the head of the club and being an ex traffic cop, he has the police siren and the loud speaker in his vintage Volvo. So when the 25 cars were convoying, he stops his car in the middle of a roundabout, turns on the sirens, stops all other traffic and makes sure we all stay in convoy and no car is left behind! And once we’re along on our way, he’ll miraculously appear at the next roundabout or traffic light to stop traffic for us again! Michael, you the man!
Not sure if I’ll join them again in Feb (they meet every first Sun of the month) but I sure had fun. Maybe I’ll join them once I get the RX7 Savannah up and running.

Bubbles's new friend, Ferri and his Ford. Ferri founded the Anugerah Gallery

Dying on the new account
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Motherhood is surreal
Went to visit Fruitcake in the hospital and to see my god daughter. Not quite sure why they call babies bundles of joy. I was excited but didn’t know what to do with her except stare at her when she slept and look away when she’s screaming her lungs out. She’s kinda pink, smells flowery (that could be the baby powder tho) and feels like velvet.
I look at the baby Isabelle and it feels surreal that she is Fruitcake’s. That this whole new person, this baby, came from Fruitcake. And Fruitcake herself feels the same! Feels surreal that she had a baby and that she’s now a mother. Says it probably won’t sink in till the second kid comes along. Hahaha!
Guess some people are born for motherhood and are just dying to get pregnant. While it doesn’t come as naturally to others. I think I fall in the latter group.
Fruitcake and I discussed this a while ago. We’ll probably never really be ready to be a mother so just adopt the ‘Fuck it, just do it’ attitude.
And she’s gone ahead to do just that. So the next few years will prove whether we adopted the right strategy.
And for me, I’ll have a lil person to dote on to prep me for motherhood if it happens.
Honest Fucker
Almost sounds like the perfect guy. Especially since I can’t seem to find men Chinese men who are taller than me, what more when I'm in heels!
Until he brought up the topic of sex and invited me to his place for some action.
Another burst bubble. Oh well. At least he was an honest fucker.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Welcome Isabelle Halle
What I've Learnt in 2006
2006 has passed in a blink of an eye. Seems like time flies faster the older u get. And apparently once you have kids, it goes by even faster.
So here we are, 2 days into 2007. What has the last year thought me?
That life isn’t easy but we push on anyway.
That we are fearful but what matters is how we handle the fear.
That many people settle for less in life because they are scared of losing what they have now even though they have a chance to achieve what they truly desire.
That we should appreciate and preserve the past because it is through that that we are where we are now.
That I can’t eat cute looking food.
That people can promise you the world but until they bring it to you, it’s all lies.
That we can never truly follow a plan because Murphy’s always round the corner. But we need to plan anyway.
That I sometimes need to say no, even to friends.
That karma does actually happen, whether u know it or not.
That we can make time if something is important enough. “I’m busy” simply means “you are not a priority”.
That my parking prayer works even in the most high traffic areas.
That some people take longer to learn a lesson and need to make the mistake a dozen times before they learn it. But it’s a lesson they need to learn by themselves.
That I cannot be angry when a friend does not heed my advice. Even if it’s like watching helplessly as a car wreck happens in front of u. Sometimes, for several times till the car is totalled. All we can do is be there for the person while they recover from the hurt.
That people are cowards and rather avoid situations till it blows up in their face rather than take charge and fix the problem themselves.
That sometimes friends go away for a while but the true ones are those who return eventually.
That there’s heads and there’s tails but they’re still part of the same coin.
2006 was one of the toughest years for me despite how it looked from the outside. I would not have made it though the year was it not for certain friends.
To all my friends who have come and gone. To the friends who stayed through the good and the bad. To the friends who didn’t only call when they needed something or when their partners were not around. To all the friends who indulged my burst of energy and Bubble Moments.
I only hope that I was as much a friend to you as you were to me. I love you.
Happy 2007!
First day of the new year! Happy New Year! Kevin the Random Soy picks me up 2 hours late. By which time I was starving. Most cafes and bistros were closed so we ended up in a coffee shop for some yummy pan mee. Thereafter we headed to
We were done by 3.30pm. I asked him if he still wanted to go to PD. And it was meant to be a day trip, mind you. He said yes so we headed out of the city. He took a wrong turn. And then another. Sorry, there were no wrong turns. He meant to take the scenic route
Eventually, we ended back in the city. So we called the trip off. And decided to play tourist.
We had Arabic tea is some Arabic Café.
Had Malacca coffee at Asia Café. Very authentic and quaint. Liked the old portraits. Checked out the antiques. Sadly, the people who go there are tourists. Locals don’t seem to appreciate our own heritage.
Went to
Had teh tarik in Di Tebing near
Went to Coffee Bean Mont Kiara but every table was taken so we ended up in Starbucks.
Overall, a fun, interesting and relaxing day even though nothing went according to plan.