How excellent! I got offered a 5 day stay at
Marriot Phuket by a friend. And it was absolutely free! Since the offer was valid till end Oct and I'm still on
maternity leave, it was the perfect time to go on holiday.
So along with Lord Gaga and Michelle Who Stays on the Seashore, we brought baby
Aydreanne on her first trip. An overseas on too. Such a lucky girl.
We were
initially slightly worried about travelling with an infant, especially one who is only 2 months and a bit. Spoke to many well seasoned parents and called up MAS to ask them what travelling with an infant entails. And off we went!

I've been told babies may be affected by the air pressure and their ears will hurt. So I constantly kept her breast feeding while on the plane. The sucking and swallowing ensured that the pressure in the ears were kept in balance. It worked and there was not a peep from her throughout the flight. In fact, she slept almost all the way. For mums travlling with very young babies but are not breasr feeding, try giving your baby a pacifier. That should have the same effect.
There are perks to travelling with an infant - priority seating and 90% off the full fare!

We arrived at the hotel and the resort picked us up and brought us to our beautiful villa. Here's the shot in the garden of the villa upon our arrival.

And this is the lane leading to the back of the villa. We got the garden villa with a plunge pool.

Mel is posing with the elephant made out of towels. The housekeeping department here is creative. And I love the little details and touches the put in all corners of the villa.

This is the hall. It's huge! Lord Gaga is checking out the place.

And the dining room with a table that seats 6.

The guest room with 2 very comfortable double beds.

And this is the master bedroom.

Check out the bathroom! I had a few luxurious bubble baths in there.

And the
resort pool.

One of the best thing about Thai holidays and staying in hotels is their buffet breakfast. Always
plenty of crispy bacon. And we certainly ate our money's worth. Malaysian Chinese are so pork deprived!
Aydreanne and I about to take a dip in the plunge pool.
Aydreanne and I going for a walk just outside the resort to Turtle Village.
Aydreanne feeling lonesome in her stroller while the 3 adults had a hearty lunch.

Me wearing
Aydreanne's tiny hat.

The sundae from
Swensens called Little Prince, consisting of or favourite Sticky Chewy Chocolate.
Aydreanne is happy and having a great holiday!

It was monsoon season while we were there but was lucky because it rained only on the last day of our trip. So before that, we took the complementary buggy to the beach which was about 5
mins drive away. The sea was rough so we just sat on the beach and let
Aydreanne's feet touch the sand and water.

A cute
lil frog in the garden, seeking shelter from the rain.

Phuket airport about to head back to KL. We stopped for breakfast at Burger King.

And of course had another dose of bacon.
Aydreanne says "Don't disturb me. I'm in a foul mood cos the holiday is ending".
The resort was excellent. Service was
impeccable as it's well known among the Thais. And the hotel was very baby friendly. With a concept similar to Club Med with the many activities for all ages and the baby sitting service, but with the '
ness' of the
Marriot name, it's certainly a resort I'd recommend to families.
Aydreanne is soo adorable!
I'm sure the hols was a time well spent together. ^.^
Thanks Suzanne! It was indeed. Great for Lord Gaga to spend 5 full days with Aydreanne, not something he gets to do often cos of work.
Hi there, I've been following your bog since way before you were pregnant and now you have a baby! Way to go! She looks absolutely stunning! And I love the way you call your hubs Lord Gaga. It almost makes me want to ask him for his autograph, LOL!
Mamapumpkim, thanks for following my blog. I do feel I;ve evolved from party girl to married woman to the mother than I am today. Different stages in life and I'm loving each one as they come. Now that I've decided to be a stay at home mum, there'll be lots more posts to come from my new journey and role so stay tuned!
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