Monday, October 13, 2008

Less Than A Week To Go!

The wedding planning committee came over to my place today for coffee, cakes and to finalize the wedding plans and to ensure everyone knew their exact roles and what will happen when. The meeting went well, all questions were clarified and apart from Jon the best man who asked "And when's the wedding again?", everything was settled.

So my role from now till Friday is to not do anything pertaining to the wedding. I'm just gonna chill.

Apart from going for a mani and a pedi, and to the spa, Sin Cyn passed me the Private Practice box set so I'm just gonna stay home and watch that all of next week. Or go have tea with friends.

Oh, my mum just told me that Jimmy Choo can't make it to the wedding cos he'll be giving a talk in Japan. And neither can his prodigy who owns Lewre shoes who will be in Istanbul at that time. And Melinda Looi has a prior engagement. But Bill Keith, Alvin Tang, Albert King and Annie Wong will be present. Along with some people from the Prestige magazine.

So I'm going to have a nice mix of close friends, colleaguaes, some celebrities and media people there.

Can't believe the wedding is less than a week away!

To my wonderful wedding planning committee, I can't thank you enough for what you've done and what you'll be doing coming this Saturday.

It's all in your hands now. Make magic happen.

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