Went for the launch of the Valentino boutique at Starhill last night. It was graced by the Italian ambassador, a couple of celebrities and the socialites who go to such events.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Knackered from shopping
Ow! My ass and inner thighs hurt every time I stand or sit. Shows how much the muscles are being worked just by wearing very high heels. And this is not including the jumping around.
I better go sleep. Long week ahead. But the Man U Chelsea match is happening right now! Think I’ll watch till half time and read Patrick’s live running commentary via sms when I wake up tomorrow.
Night all! And here’s to a great week ahead!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
101 East

Kancils 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Waist length
Marc Google Searcher
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Animal Naming

Dymanics at the Conquest of Time
The night started with Nic’s invitation to the opening of Sincere Watches’ Conquest of Time exhibition at KL Convention Centre. The usual purists were there as well as the usual crowd who moves in these social circles.
We did our rounds. Looked at Omega, Corum, Piguet, Girard Perregaux, Frank Muller and more. Said hi to friends and acquaintances. Hugged. Air kissed some. Pecked some others. Nodded at others. Drank champagne.
Took us a while to complete one round of the hall. Even tho it was a small area, every 5 steps or so, one of us would meet someone we knew.
After the event, we continued the night with food at Chatterbox (??) and later at Sky Bar over a bottle of Moet. I’ve decided that I prefer Bollinger to Moet and don’t fancy Veuve all that much.
The champagne glass designs was pleasing to the eye but as with most pretty things, they aren’t always practical. We had to do some banging and teh tarik action to dislodge the strawberry from the middle of the glass.
Eliza, Ben, Marc & Nic,
Thank you for an absolutely wonderful night and I’m looking forward to the pool party, yatch trips and beach holidays. Eliza, u know what to do ;)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Bright Sunshiny Morning
What a gorgeous morning! The downpour last night washed the skies, transformed the city skyline to a string of colourful and twinkly fairy lights to reveal a beautiful today. And not just a typical Malaysian bright, sunny, hot and humid morning either. Today was like a morning in an English countryside. Where the sunshine lights up the world around you. Where the sunrays envelops u in its warm embrace. Makes you want to walk out into a meadow, lie down on the grass, face the blue skies and bask in the sun’s rays. The lighting is sharper thus changing the surroundings and creating a cheerful mood. (No I’m on anything. It really is an amazing day). To everyone, here’s wishing u an absolutely beautiful morning which continues to a wonderful weekend.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Starcom's Directory
Press 1 for Finance.
Press 2 for HR, admin and IT.
Press 3 for Others.
Seeing that they are a media agency and media is their core business, shouldn't there be a:
Press 1 for Media?
So i had to press '3' right?
Then i got cut off.
Monday mornings MSNs
It's interesting, some of the conversations you have on an early Monday morning as my MSN conversation with Soon Min Without-a-'G' below illustrates:
soon min says:
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
soon min says:
did you manage to send any of those questionnaires out? =)
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
soon min says:
er.. i take that as a no?
soon min says:
haha. dang.... are you still recovering from the weekend?
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
what questionnaire? was i supposed to send something out?
soon min says:
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
no i didnt have that much over the weekend
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
was i drunk?
soon min says:
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
then how come i dun remember?
soon min says:
if you can't remember, that means you were drunk
soon min says:
soon min says:
good indicator
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
eh i REALLY dun remember
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
eh its not me being drunk. u got the wrong girl right
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
oi maybe YOU were drunk. Kakaka!
soon min says:
soon min says:
soon min says:
soon min says:
now you got ME confused!
soon min says:
stop stop stop!
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
now whos the drunk one here?
soon min says:
1) i'm sober 2) you're spreading the drunkenness
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
so am i. right now anyway. haha ... if only drunkenness can be spread over the net. that would be so cool
soon min says:
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
so we have no conclusion
soon min says:
um.. the conclusion is: i had no alcohol
soon min says:
so it's impossible for me to be drunk!
Bubbles Brown Brownie says:
so i should forget about the questionnaire?
soon min says:
nono. i still need help
Casino Royale vs Happy Feet
And yesterday, went to watch Happy Feet w/ Michelle, Sin Cyn n Pete. That was very entertaining, cute, heart warming, happy and sing a long kinda show. Brought Popo and Nithi Jr and they were dancing along to the music.
Heard on radio on the way to work today that Happy Feet overtook Casino Royale as they opened on the same week. Hahaha!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Adult Playground

Yesterday, I went rock climbing. This time I managed to scale a higher wall and actually followed the colours. Did a wall with 5b grading. One of the easiest but it was after all my second time. Was huffing and puffing and my shoulders and arms really aches right now.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Jaded with clubbing
Been to quite a few other parties too. More recently
- the Smirnoff Black Casino Royale party @ Cynna last week
- the Jaeger la Coultre dinner & Carcosa on Thurs
- the Nokia L'Amour launch @ Maison last night
Was nice to meet new ppl and do the network thing but it wasn't outright fun. Maybe its just me. I'm all clubbed out.
It's Friday. No clubbing plans but going to watch Casino Royale at midnight. Some sponsored thing.
Tomorrow is Baby Boy's b'day at Bubbles. New club. Not been there. But its got the same name as me!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Things to do in Langkawi besides getting pissed
Other activities include:

.... before clambering out onto the sand for some time in the sun. With Popo the Penguin of course. Contrary to popular belief, penguins do enjoy the sun and the sand.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Popo the Penguin Does Langkawi
First, let me establish how small Popo is.

It's important to wear your seat belt for safety.

Now everyone can fly, including penguins.

Azmi, our car rental guy, tells me that 'penguin' is 'pingu' in Malay.

Popo befriends Shane, the Bon Ton dog.

Popo befriends a cat at Bon Ton.

Popo wanted to go for a swim while i was drinking mojitos with Wijay and catching up on the latest Langkawi gossip.

Nithi gives the best Ayurvedic massages. Nithi likes Popo.

Jeffrey owns the Sun chain of bars/ clubs / restaurants / resorts on the island. He likes Popo too. Says that Wijay is jealous of Popo.

Popo posing at the pond at Sun Sutera. Isn't it pretty? He's such a cute penguin.

Popo faints after eating chocolate lava cake.

Finally Wijay is high enough to take a pic of Popo and i with a smile.

What we call 'nasi lemak 50sen' now costs RM1 in KL. But we don't call it 'RM1 nasi lemak', do we? But u can find 20sen nasi lemak in Langkawi. And Popo is hardly bigger. Hey! This means that Popo is bite sized.

We go island hopping and Popo goes for a swim. He's good in back stroke. He can also dive and wake board. Videos of that later.

Sin Cyn likes Popo and Popo likes Sin Cyn.

Now Popo is 706 metres above sea level!

Popo goes home with a friend, Nithi Junior. Thanks Nithi Senior for the big pingu! Bet Wijay will be shaking his head if he reads this. Popo and Nithi Junior will be pooling together to buy you a ticket to watch Happy Feet. They're asking when u wanna go?!

Don't look under a girl's skirt
Went for the Smirnoff Black Casino Royale party @ Cynna. Unfortunately there were no James lookalikes and Audrey & I were the only handful who dressed up. Nik was in a suit. There was no happening music, explosions nor cool gadgets either.

Then we got bored w/ that and joined Lola & Butterfly Dawn @ Vintry.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Blue Bear Chair

I'm getting keys to my new place soon! Went to Ikea w/ Sin Cyn last night to get ideas on furnishing. Spotted a few pieces which would suit the place well and is value for money too. I esp like the kids furnitures tho i won't b buying them to furnish the place since it's gonna b rented out. But no harm testing. Got caught on camera testing a blue bear where u sit and it and the arms hug u. If only the made adult sized ones! It's so small, my bum was on its crotch. I also like the blow up hedgehog. No more Minnen Rattas so I'm glad i got Ashton earlier. No more Mysd Vinds either, much to my surprise. And the Klippans don't seem that appealing anymore tho they were one of the best selling sofas for a while. Sin Cyn and i were just discussing how mad it is that we know the Swedish names of the products and even know what size, colour and fabric they come in!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
My 1st Rock Climbing Experience
Another Saatchi Piss Up Party
Today was the inaugural Saatchi Creative Showcase where everyone in the agency gathers together to review the best creative work done for that month and to reward those who went above and beyond the call of duty. Simply put, its a reason for everyone to get drunk.
We had about 1 dozen bottles of wines and at least 3 each of whiskey, vodka, tequila bottles at the bar. And more food that 70+ ppl could consume.
Somehow water gets flung around at Saatchi parties. The sofas in La Bodega Lounge was absolutely soaking after our Christmas party there last year after Steve flung the contents of the ice bucket onto John. Thus time Gus got wet. Kekeke!
Body shots off Beryl’s cleavage was interesting too.
By 8+, most ppl couldn’t walk straight or were doing strange things like biting ppl.
Went to the opening of Rain at
I headed to Ivy w/ the TWBA gang. Was good but as usual got extremely packed by 1am.
Checked out Bed since I didn’t go for the opening. Was a lil disappointed Everyone was so poser like. And there weren’t enough beds to justify the club’s name. And shouldn’t the waitresses be wearing nighties / pajamas? The concept is cool ut execution so salah. Sigh.
Was a pretty good and moderate night. At least I got to dance for a couple of hours.