Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ice Bar Not Open for Bussiness Yet

Got an sms from Ice Bar the day before last so decided to check it out with Sin Cyn yesterday. The place was open but they weren’t serving drinks yet, there were no chairs and there were blocks of ice in there. The temperature was -15C.

Why would a F&B outlet send out info about the opening of their new place when it’s not ready for customers? They’re off on a bad footing already. Wonder if they can compete with Laundry at the level below.

Saw Gary Foo as I was walking in.

Went to Borders and found that Adam of the Pillar was working there!

Went for dinner and saw Asun at the next table.

Is KL getting smaller? Or do I just know too many ppl? Or is there a serious lack of places to go to? Unfortunately i think its the 3rd option.

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