Since the petrol hike, prices of everything have gone up. Before they go up even further Marsupial suggested that we go out for a last night of clubbing before even the clubs get hit. So we went to Tao. The opening 2 weeks ago wasn’t anything to shout about but we though we’d go back since an opening does not depict a club at it’s usual state. But nope, still nothing to shout about and there were not many people there. The consolation was that we got a table. We bought a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label but it was fake. So that sucked. Then Sue Ann came over, convinced us to go to Bamboo9, made us drink another bottle and before you knew it, it was 4am!
Clubbing just isn’t fun anymore because the clubs are not of the same quality as before and also we’re all just jaded. We’ve chased and achieved such high (not necessarily from the alcohol only) that nothing can compare anymore.
But it sure was fun going out for a night out with the old gang! And our partners.
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