Monday, December 15, 2008
My Wedding Website
But in the last 58 days since I've been married, I've been away for the honeymoon then came back and started a new job. Then I've been working working working. And when I'm not working, I'm either sleeping, running errands or moving house. It's been mad!
But I know it's something I have to do as soon as I can.
So for those who have been waiting for updates, I'm so so sorry.
In the meantime, how about checking out my wedding website?
Info on the wedidng can be found there, along with lotsa photo galleries, including the ones from the fairy wedding.
I will post about the wedding soon over here. Just as soon as I'm able to get out of the office, get something to eat, do the laundry, do the banking, move house, unpack and get some sleep .......
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
1 Month Anniversary.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween 2008!
Have a ball everyone and Happy Halloween!
Check out the post this time last year for some older Halloween pics.
Monday, October 27, 2008
So Much To Blog About
The Chinese wedding, the Tea Ceremony, the Fairy Wedding, the JB wedding ........
But there's just no time and and we're off to Gold Coast tonight.
So once we're back from our honeymoon, I'll be blogging about all the above and the honeymoon.
Will be back in 2 weeks so do come back then! Thanks!
Friday, October 17, 2008
7 Hours Till the Chinese Wedding
Meanwhile I pottered around the house, put away some stuff and logged online to check my mail. Then I had a barrage of MSN messages, all of my friends asking "It's your wedding today! How come u still have time to come online??!".
I just told them that everything is done. I'm just sitting here chilling, checking mail, chatting, blogging ......
My girls will all arrive at 1 plus with tapau-ed lunch. We'll eat then get ready for the make up artist to come and we'll be ready at 5pm to meet the guys and head down to KL for the Chinese dinner.
I'm actually quite surprised that there's not the slightest hint of butterflies in my tummy.
Sin Cyn, guess there's no need to tranquilize me anymore as planned.
Apart from having an excellent team to help me plan the wedding, guess it also means that the wedding will go smoothly and that I'm ready for this union.
Let the show begin!
A Night Before the Chinese Wedding, 2 Nights Before the Fairy Wedding
Tomorrow is the Chinese wedding and I'm guessing I'm not at all nervous cos at Chinese weddings, there's not that much for the couple to do but to cut the cake, make a toast, go round to the tables, smile and drink. Easy peasy.
But the fairy wedding is on Saturday and that's the one I've been working on for the past 10 months. From an event organizer's point of view, this is my baby and my biggest event ever. A lot of sweat and tears (thankfully no blood!) have been poured into planning this wedding and everything needs to be executed flawlessly for it to be the magical event which I've envisioned.
Yet I'm not worried at all. I believe it's thanks to my wedding planning committee. I have a team of more than 20 people involved (for a wedding with less than 100 guests). Many of them are close friends of which many are in advertising and events so I can totally trust in their skills in planning and time management.
I think I'll be able to sleep quite soundly tonight.
After so many months, it's hard to believe THE day is finally here.
Wish me a magical wedding!
Monday, October 13, 2008
RSVPs still coming in
I have all my things in place and the team knows exactly what to do.
But as with all events, there'll always be curve balls.
I've done up the final guest list and done up the seating too because the RSVP deadline was on 1 Oct.
But till now, I still have friends RSVPing to say they are coming.
So I'm constantly going back to my Guest List and Seating Plan and moving people about.
And my mum, being the last minute person she is, will not be done with her RSVP till Wednesday!
This is so frustrating. But I'm not allowed to be frustrated.
Sigh. I'm going to Mid Valley and The Gardens now. The make up artist told me to go buy the Shu Uemura bridal eye lashes. Apparently this is THE fake eye lashes for a bride to use.
I'll also go walk about and just relax before picking up one of my bridal gowns this evening.
Just a few more days to go. I'll survive this.
Embarrassing Stories Part 2
I could never hide my feelings because I'll be blushing. I used to blush so easily! And when someone notices my red face, they'll point out "Look at her! She's blushing!".
I'll then turn from a tomato red to a deep beet red.
After a while, it was a hassle turning red all the time. So I got fed up and decided not to get embarrassed anymore. And the easiest way of doing that is to not hide anything and be totally honest about everything. If I express all my thoughts and every silly thing Ive done, there's nothing anyone can bring up against me and nothing to be embarrassed about.
Problem settled.
So I guess I won't be a blushing bride on my wedding. Hah!
Dishing Out the Embarassing Stories at the Wedding
I know Paul is quite 'clean' so they won't be able to get much about him.
And somehow though I've dome so many insane things in my life, I'm not afraid at all. Simply because there's not much I've done that my friends don't know about.
Like the time I broke my foot when I fell off a pole in Iguazu Club in Bangsar and continued dancing till Fruitcake asked me why I was dancing on one foot to which I replied I was not but looked at my foot anyway and realized that my foot was the size of a loaf of bread. I was then rushed to the Accident & Emergency of Pantai Hospital. That was about 4 in the morning. But I was so high on whiskey that I was giggling all the way there and laughing so loud that patients probably thought I was a mental patient having a relapse. I asked for the doctor but he was walking away so I yelled at him even louder and he came to me and said "Girl, I have a patient upstairs who is having a heart attack. So I think he needs me more than you do right now. So if it's okay with you, I'll go up for a while and I'll come back down to see you shortly, okay?". I nodded my head. I may be drunk, but I'm still nice. When the doc came back, I insisted that the doctor put my foot in a cast (because I wanted friends to sign on it) which he said it was not required but I insisted so loudly that we finally compromised and he let me leave in a pair of crutches (which I still have).
Or the time I had a thing for this guy and we were chatting at my poolside till 3am. When I finally went up, my mum thought I was asleep in my room so she locked the door and I could not get in. I didn't bring money with me, thinking it's just going to be a chat at the pool. So I had to call Marsupial who lived 5 mins away, woke him up and told him I was on the way in a cab and that he had to come down to pay for the cab fare and that I was crahsing at his place for the night.
Or the time when Fruitcake and I were in Stringfellows in London and we were looking in awe at the male stripper. I was particularly shocked by his 'package' and asked my then boyfriend if he thought it was real to which he replied "Why don't you go find out?" I then started jumping up and down in front of the stripper and started waving my hands. He took one of my hands and pulled me up onto the stage. I started dancing with him and i ran my fingers down his chest, then to his abs (boy, did he have ABS!) and then lower and grabbed his 'package'. I then turned to my then ex and Fruitcake who were on the floor below me, nodded my head and mouthed "OMG! It's real!". The stripper retaliated by coming at me from the back, held on to my waist and fliipped me up and around. Twice. I did a full cart wheel without even me moving myself. When I got back down to the floor, Fruitcake whispered in my ear "I'm glad you decide to wear underwear tonight". Till this day, I'm wondering how a guy who's almost one foot shorter than me, is able to flip me that way.
Anyway, what else is there ....? Lots more stories.
But Fruitcake was there during many of the crazy events so even if she was going to bring up the stories, they'll probably be more inciminating for her because in reality, she's the nutty one. Nuttier than me though she'll argue on that one but sometimes she's in denial.
If only I was blogging then. There'll be so many more stories because my life was so much wilder then. Our one year in London alone will be enough to publish a book on 'Crazy Things We've Done'.
I'll proudly relate the stories to friends just after they happen because most of the time, it's really funny and it makes for good story telling.
So I'm thinking, apart from the reason above, maybe all the while I was preparing for my wedding. Better to tell the stories and have everyone be entertained for many occasions and for many years rather than to be embarassed on my wedding day?
Then again, Fruitcake says I can't be embarrassed.
I think I can. I just can't think of any embarrassing events at this point.
Fairies and Garden Gnomes
And I was wondering, apart from my bridesmaids and Joyce Kinky Blue Fairy, who else will come dressed up.
He said that he'll come as a garden gnome.
I think that's an excellent idea! Even tho he's probably joking.
Whenever I ask a guy friend if he's dressing up, they usually respond with "You must be joking" and give me this wide eyed, mouth gaping look.
Or they'll just stare at me, furrow their brows, cock their heads to one side, squint a little and walk away.
Marsupial will do his standard -ine-I'll-humour-you-but-you're-out-of-your-mind look while shaking his head really slowly from left to right.
I can't wait to see Joyce who's been so excited about the wedding right from the start. She's even bought her wand from Bali. And Looqy who's in New York and has ordered her wings just for the wedding.
Why do girls get more excited about dressing up and going for themed parties more than guys?
Less Than A Week To Go!
So my role from now till Friday is to not do anything pertaining to the wedding. I'm just gonna chill.
Apart from going for a mani and a pedi, and to the spa, Sin Cyn passed me the Private Practice box set so I'm just gonna stay home and watch that all of next week. Or go have tea with friends.
Oh, my mum just told me that Jimmy Choo can't make it to the wedding cos he'll be giving a talk in Japan. And neither can his prodigy who owns Lewre shoes who will be in Istanbul at that time. And Melinda Looi has a prior engagement. But Bill Keith, Alvin Tang, Albert King and Annie Wong will be present. Along with some people from the Prestige magazine.
So I'm going to have a nice mix of close friends, colleaguaes, some celebrities and media people there.
Can't believe the wedding is less than a week away!
To my wonderful wedding planning committee, I can't thank you enough for what you've done and what you'll be doing coming this Saturday.
It's all in your hands now. Make magic happen.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
This Moment, A Week From Now
The wedding is just one week away and I'm glad to say that there's not even a hint of panic or rushing through the To Do List simple because nearly everything is done!
After 10 months of planning and running around (with the last 6 weeks being the most frenzied), finally, there's really not that much left to do.
I did tell myself that the one week before the wedding is for chilling and total relaxation. No more running around allowed. I need to focus on being radiant and to be able to enjoy the wedding and not be stressing out about the minor details (which is really hard because my event planner mode is perpetually switched on).
I've passed some decor items and candles to Passion Road this morning.
I went for my fav beef ball noodles near Central Market.
I came back home, checked my email and read friends' blog.
Tomorrow morning, my mum, Paul and I are going shopping in KLCC or The Gardens.
Then the wedding planning committee is having a final meeting in the evening. After which, I'm going to hand over the reigns to the wedding planner and to my team.
I was hoping for Paul & I to go for a 3 hour couples spa session this Wednesday.
I've a mani & pedi scheduled for Thursday.
And on Friday, it's the Chinese wedding and on Saturday, the long awaited fairy wedding.
I'm going to clean the house now. Why? Because I've time to do mundane things like that.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Country Music in My Stage of Life
Apart from more commercialized country artists like Shania Twain who has some pop hits, I hardly know anything about country.
But now that I'm growing older, somehow my ears are more tuned towards the slower melodies and taking in more of the words rather than simply moving to the beat.
And because of the wedding, I've been searching for a lot of different songs for the wedding march, the wedding video and more. I've widen up my search because I'm an R&B girl and often R&B is about sultriness, sexiness, sex and lotsa bootilisciousness. Rap is hardly romantic. And neither is house and trance.
One of my favourite songs which I'll be using for part of the wedding is Shania Twain's "From This Moment"
Instead of saying "For better, for worst, in sickness and in health, till death do we part" which is the norm at weddings, she sings it as:
I'd give anything and everything and I will always care.
Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow,
for better for worse, I will love you with
every beat of my heart
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
It's so beautiful. She says the same traditional words in a more heart warming and deeply meaningful way.
And the morning after Paul proposed, we sat by the pool at our villa and we listened to Keith Urban's "Making Memories of Us". Though I'm not that close to my parents, I found this part to be very meaningful and touching yet there's a touch of bad boyness in it.
I wanna honor your mother
And I wanna learn from your paw
I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw
And I wanna stand out in a crowd for you
A man among men
I wanna make your world better than it's ever been
I was just looking for a final song to pass to the photographer and was playing random songs from iTunes when Colin Raye's "If You Get There Before I Do" started playing and i just felt goose pimples (the good kind). I listened carefully to the lyrics
"If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then
Til I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love, Me."
I read those words just hours before my Grandma passed away
In the doorway of the church where me and Grandpa stopped to pray
I know I've never seen him cry in all my fifteen years
But as he said these words to her, his eyes fill up with tears
It's not like I've not heard these songs before. But it's as if I'm listening with new ears and appreciating the beauty of country music now.
I think it's partly due to the wedding and partly aging where I'm looking for more meaningful things in life.
Because almost half my life has passed, it's like most things I do now should be for a reason. Everything I do should benefit someone or myself. And not do something for the sake of doing it. Those days of mine have long done.
Life is funny. We change as we go though the different stages of life.
I think I'll move country up a few notches.
Change of Wedding Dresses
But I finally understand (kinda) the reason now that I'm a bride myself.
And I'll be changing twice. But not for due to the beautiful dresses.
The wedding dress itself is usually very beautiful but tight fitting. But it needs to be tight fitting in order to have that WOW factor and for the bride to look like a princess (or a fairy, in my case). So I'll start off with the main bridal gown (of which I have 2, for the different weddings) and when I can no longer breathe or move, I'll change into a second dress which is more comfortable and I can move around and mingle easily.
It's not easy to walk around in a tight dress, with a full skirt, with a train and in high heels to boot.
But i still won't go to the extent of changing 3 dresses.
Getting Used to the Title
Mr, Mrs or Miss?
So I filled in my name first and went back to look at the 3 boxes with the different titles.
In the end, I checked 'Mrs'. Figured that by the time they processed the application, I'll be married.
Recently Paul's friend opened a new salon so we went to say hi. Paul introduced me as his wife.
It felt a bit strange. But it was kinda nice. Guess I'm just not used to it yet.
It'll probably take a while to get used to the change of status from Miss to Mrs and from 'girlfriend' to wife'.
Wonder how long till it becomes second nature.
Happy Birthday Patrick!
Happy Birthday Patrick Who Saves The World When the Powerpuffs are in Bed!
We don't seem to have time to chill out together and go silly things like making things out of plastercine anymore. So many other things occupying our life now. Life changes and live moves on.
Patrick, don't let work rule your life, yea!
Have a great day tomorrow and i hope u like the e-card. See u at the wedding!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
My Hunt For Glycerin
Audrey gave me a Gazillion Bubble Making Machine last Christmas because she knew how much I love bubbles. And because my nic is Bubbles, obviously.
And this gift is perfect because I've always wanted to have bubbles floating around at my wedding.
Paul and i took the machine out to test that it's still working.
It was and it was lovely!
The Gazillion Bubble solution had run out so we tried out a mixture of dish washing liquid and washing detergent. But the bubbles were inconsistent and didn't last very long. So we added some shampoo to the mix. But that didn't help much either.
How come when I used dish washing liquid when I was a kid, it worked so well?
Anyway i Googled "How to make strong soap bubbles" and many sites told me to add glycerin to the mix.
So I went to a Caring Pharmacy because the pharmacists at Guardian and Watson are either off duty or have no idea what I'm talking about. Anyway Caring is more of a pharmacy pharmacy and the other 2 is more of a jumble of medicine, health, beauty and toys.
I walked in and spoke to the very friendly and knowledgeable pharmacist and asked for gycerin.
He walked away from his counter, to the aisles and started looking for a bottle of glycerin. He walked up and down and looked all over. While waiting for him to produce the bottle, I made small talk, "What's glycerin usually used for?".
He stopped looking for the glycerin and looked at me and asked "What are YOU using it for?"
"Errrr ... soap bubbles".
"Mmmmm ...."
"You're the second person asking for glycerin today. You're not all trying to make a bomb are you?"
"Huh? Glycerin can be used in bomb"
He smiles now. "No"
He cracks me up! Anyway he gave me the pharmacy's number and asked me to call again in a few days to check if their stocks of glycerin has arrived.
But by then I was fed up with the search for glycerin so I went to Toys R Us and paid RM16.95 for a big bottle of the bubble solution instead.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Happy 30th Birthday Paul!
Then people started to arrive.
Sing a birthday song to Paul (don't we already start to look like husband and wife? Hahaha!)
It stared with a boat race then Paul got into his stag getup.
And just like the good old teenage days in the park, we sat in a circle, placed an empty beer bottle on the ground and a bottle of whiskey too. We spun the bottle and whereever it pointed, the person downs one shot of whiskey, then chooses a Truth or a Dare.
After a dozen or so rounds (of the game and of whiskey), it was Dare all the way.
And that explains why there are no more pics to show ........
As agreed with everyone present, whatever happens at the party, stays at the party ;)
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
What Happened To My Day?
- Confirm the honeymoon plans with Live Life, Travel! Ashley.
- Pass travel details to insurance agent for travel insurance.
- Finalize the wedding flowers with the florist and check on set up time.
- Inform the wedding planner about the florist's set up time.
- Research fairy flowers for the table placards (I'm using flower names rather than numbers).
- Send selected fairy flower names to Paul for him to print out and for me to cut up and pass to Passion Road.
- Chase the photographer for the wedding album.
- Check with Sin Cyn on the RSVPs from those invited from Saatchi.
- Call more people up (because people just don't RSVP)
- Pay the supplier for the wedding alcohol.
- Prep the wedding kit.
- Buy citronella sticks to be used as fragrance cum mosquito repellent at the wedding.
- Redo the wedding budget because the numbers keep on rising.
- Talk to the art director on back drop design.
- Go for a wedding dress fitting.
- Save pictures and videos for DJ Beryl to be added on the wedding video.
- Go to the bank to make some change in personal details.
- Complain to the condo management about the faulty water heater.
- Supervise the plumber in fixing the water pressure.
- Reschedule hair cut & colour.
How would I have managed if I was holding on a full time job?
Thanks goodness that's all in the past. Because my days were so jam packed and I did so much in the past few weeks, I can safely say that nearly everything for the wedding has been done. The next few days will still be pretty busy but from this Saturday onwards, Paul and I are going to take it easy, relax and just look forward to the wedding day. We're going to check ourselves into a spa this Saturday and just enjoy the day without running around doing any errands or wedding stuff.
Can't believe the wedding is just one week and a bit away. We've come a long way from when we first started the wedding planning.
I'm really looking forward to 18 October 2008 and watch as magic unfolds.
So, What Do You Do?
How will I have time to call realtors, show the unit and meet the prospective tenants?
But before I could make calls, half a dozen realtors were already contacting me, looking for vacant units. I didn't realize Ritze has become such a hot piece of property!
So after a few viewings by different people and different realtors, one girl was very interested and was willing to put the deposit down the same day. I met and interviewed her and the offer to rent was signed.
Despite everything, your job, what you do and your position says a lot about you and plays a big part in first impressions. It sure does when I look for a tenant. Since I've not met the person yet and initial negotiations are usually done over the phone, the first question I'll ask the realtor is if its a male or female. The second question is what does he or she does.
(My new tenant is a doctor).
And yes, I probably would not want to rent the studio out to a male student unless I was really desperate.
It's the same when you are out meeting people. Be it a corporate or social event, after the rounds of introductions have been made, name cards would be exchanged. Or if it was a more social event, the next question is always "So, what do you do?" And with your answer, the other person would have formed an initial impression of you which leads to how they would interact with you, be it consciously or subconsciously.
I'm trying really hard not to let my job define me but in the society we live in, it's pretty hard.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A Different Guest List
When the wedding date was set near the start of the year, I sat down and drew out the guest list.
I'm now going through the guest list again to confirm who's coming and who's not, and for which wedding.
I've had to make some changes to the original guest list because:
- one aunt has passed away
- one uncle has been diagnosed with an illness
- one friend has separated from her husband
- one friend is divorced from his wife
- one friend who's been trying to break up with his clingy girlfriend for the longest time, is still with her.
But then again:
- one friend is going out with this guy and there's talk of marriage
- one friend was transferred to Jakarta along with his family with an excellent package
- two friends who broke up are now together again
- one friend will be receiving his twins into the world (on 18 Oct!). Congrats John!
- I've reconnected to so many old friends in the process of inviting mutual friends to the wedding.
And since it's past midnight, it's 18 days to my wedding!
So much can happen in just a few months.
Wishing you all good things till year end and beyond.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Please respondez sil vous plait
It's typical not to RSVP till the very last minute or only after you've been chased for it. So chasing is what I've been doing for the past few days.
I've still a lot of guests unconfirmed for the Chinese and JB wedding.
But the English wedding is almost full! I factored in a 30% non attendance rate which has worked well for me for all my past events, be it a birthday, Halloween, house warming party etc. This formula also works for the Chinese and JB wedding.
But because the Fairy wedding is small and for very close friends only, most are able to attend. The unique and magical theme could have had a part to play in high attendance rate too!
So I have limited spaces left and the venue may not be able to accommodate everyone ! But the RSVP date is in 2 days time and for those who have not RSVPed by then and if the remaining spaces are taken up, I'm going to close the RSVPs. Gotta be brutal.
Weddings are such brutal affairs sometimes but I figured if you're a close friend and u truly want to be there to celebrate the day with me, you'd RSVP early anyway.
Some friends say that they are not going to RSVP because they're such good friends and ask how can I ask if they are coming or not. Apparently I should just assume that they are. So it becomes a delicate affair of finding the balance of how close certain friendships are.
So what does it mean when someone does not RSVP? That they are so close that they don't have to RSVP? Or that they are not close enough so they are not bothered to RSVP till the very last minute? Hahaha!
So thanks for those who responded right away and for those who haven't..... u have 2 days!
The entrance to the Secret Garden of the Fairies isn't going to be kept open forever!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I'm High. 21 Days More Of Practise Required.
I replied my emails, checked out Facebook, did some house work and plonked myself in front of the TV and flipped channels while surfing the net.
The Love Parade was on Channel V.
I watched for a while and the DJ started playing Fat Boy Slim and Prodigy. My feet started tapping the floor while my fingers continued to tap on the key board.
I felt like dancing but I had this pile of laundry to fold. So I got up, picked up a dress and folded it while jumping up and down and dancing to the music.
The music started getting hotter, as did my body temperature (plus the clothes just came out of the dryer).
Popped open a bottle of ice cold Hoegarden, drunk it and continued dancing.
After a while, I had to sit down. Yes it's hot but my head felt light too.
Then I realize it's the beer! But I only had a quarter of a bottle!
This is what happens once you stop drinking regularly.
Which is great under normal circumstances cos you could go out and get high on 3 drinks compared to having a whole bottle to yourself before you jump around like a monkey without caring and loving every minute of it.
But it's horrible when the wedding is only 3 weeks away!
I so need to practice my drinking skills!
A bride so cannot get drunk at her own wedding!
I have 21 days of alcohol induced nights planned out.
Ah I know! I can break open the wedding alcohol!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No More Teoh's Bare Ass in Blogger
He really needs to move to a nudist community.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy Birthday to the Tee Twins & Goh Triplets
Either 24th September is a date which seems to have more births of twins and triplets, or it’s just a coincidence that I have friends who are twins and triplets who’s birthday is today.
Happy birthday Cindy & Wendy Tee!
Happy birthday Goh Doh Hau, Goh Doh Kit and Goh Doh Nut!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Air Asia X to Gold Coast
I hate buying tickets on Air Asia. So many columns to fill and there's always the fear of filling in the wrong thing.
And while I was talking to Fruitcake and trying to get Paul's passport details, in that 30 mins or so, the price of the tickets I wanted went up by 200 bucks! Per person!
So i told Fruitcake she's not allowed to talk to me for 10 minutes till I bought the tickets.
And now, finally, they're bought and we're definitely going to Gold Coast for the honeymoon.
After 3 failed trips to Oz, I'm finally going.
Movie World! Sky diving! Champagne sunrise hot air balloon ride. Yay!
Naked Teoh's Need to be Naked
In fact, Fruitcake and I met him for the first time a few years ago at Oktoberfest in 1 Utama. Psychotic Raj said he'll bringing a friend. We got there a little late and missed the RM1 beers.
Raj introduced his friend Teoh who quickly proceeded to tell Fruicake and I about his need to be naked. Totally naked. All the time.
He even divulged that if he needs to take a dump, even if it's in a very dirty mamak, he'll take off all his clothes. Including his chain, watch and shoes!
Fruitcake and I shrieked in horror! Shoes too? But ... but ... mamaks usually have filthy toilets!
"That's why I have very strong toes", said Teoh with a smug look on his face.
Too much information? Well can u imagine what Fruitcake and I were feeling? Here's this guy we met for barely 2 minutes and there he was telling us about his nakedness and shitting habits.
Despite the disgusting stories, Naked Teoh was so animated and entertaining that he was cracking us up throughout the entire drinking session. At least he was funny.
There are other stories about Naked Teoh including him wanting to leave me in Fruitcake's house without a ride home because he could not stand to be in clothes for so long and wanted to go home and strip. Or the time he actally stripped down to his underwear and contemplated taking that off too at Fruitcake's house after a night of clubbing. Or the othet time when he offered to strip on behalf of a guy who lost at Strip Poker.
Ah so many stories but I'll save that for another time.
As testament to Naked Teoh's need to be naked, especially when in the great outdoors, check out his blog:
Check out the last pic there.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Probably Gold Coast
But these are all in South East Asia and I didn't realize how much fares out of the region costs these days.
Since we've confirmed Gold Coast as our honeymoon destination, I've informed the travel agent and am now waiting for the final cost. While waiting, I checked our Air Asia flights from KL to Brisbane and they're RM5,000 for 2 people. I thought that was rather high for Air Asia. The price has not factored in the baggage costs and don't even talk about the XL seats which cost twice as much.
So just for a basis of comparison, I checked out fares on Malaysia Airlines from KL to Brisbane. The cost is RM3,941. Per person! Ouch.
So Air Asia is cheap after all, comparatively.
I checked out a few other destinations on MH. We originally wanted to go to Maldives, right? Flight there is very reasonable indeed. RM2,000 per person. But Paul has been there before and as much as we like the beach, i think 10 days of the beach would be a bit too much.
So just for fun, I checked out some Europe destinations we were considering.
To London, RM5,500. I remember flying off to uni in London for RM2,800. Sigh.
To Rome, RM4,500.
And Air Mauritius flies from KL to Mauritius for USD2,800. That's RM9,200!
So Gold Coast seems like the most viable option, in terms of cost and variety of entertainment.
Oh, we've taken Melbourne out of the plan (sorry Mirabella!I would love to have been able to meet u) cos Air Asia has not started their KL - Melbourne route yet and it's too much hassle and money to fly in to Gold Coast via Air Asia, then fly via Virgin Blue in-bound to and fro Gold Coast & Melbourne, then out from Gold Coast again.
Paul and I have till Monday to change our minds about Gold Coast.
Can't seem to think of many other places which doesn't cost too much, is not in Asia and yet will keep us entertained throughout the honeymoon.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Our First Wedding Present
It was dropped off at Paul's family home and he went back to collect it after work today.
It is a lovely beige and crimson lamp!
It's so exciting!
In a time and culture where ang pows are more common because it's tradition and also because it's more practical for the giver and receiver, it's a real nice surprise to receive a gift.
That being said, my wedding website requests for ang pows instead of presents. It truly is more practical that way because weddings cost a fortune these days and we do need to recover the cost as much as possible. And cash will also help our honeymoon fund. Not to mention, if the person doens't know us or our tastes well enough or does not put enough effort into the gift buying, it would be a waste if they spent a fortune buying the gift but we end up hating it.
Still, it was a pleasant surprise to receive the gift and the card too.
Though I must say it is a little odd seeing it addressed to 'Mr & Mrs Wong'.
I'm still not used to the Mrs title yet.
1 Month to the Wedding!
In fact, according to the wedding day schedule, at this very moment 1 month from now, Paul and I would be popping the champagne and making our speech as husband and wife.
I'm glad to say that everything is on track and there's really not that much else to do except ensure the wedding planning committee all understand and able to undertake their roles, count the wedding presents, check on the guest list and write our wedding vows. Oh and go for spas, facials, manicures, pedicures and get a slight tan!
Met with Live Life! Travel Ashley this afternoon to discuss the honeymoon plans. He asked how it feels getting married. And I told him that it feels totally natural.
Close friends can't believe the change in me. When I was 20, I was totally against the concept of marriage. When I was 25, i thought okay maybe, just maybe, marriage isn't that bad. And just last year, I couldn't wait to be married and that day is only 30 days away.
I was expecting cold feet, apprehension and a lot of fights but none of that has happened.
Marriage is scary. You're going to be committed to this one person for the rest of your life. For better or for worst. In sickness and in health. But when you find a person who loves you so much, a person who thinks the world of you, a person who complements and edifies you, and you feel exactly the same, then marriage feels natural and becomes a union that will enhance your life and you can't help but look forward to it.
30 days and counting!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Space Saving Plastic Bag Triangles
Happy plastic bag folding and may this small folding action save you same space in your home.
Moving In Rituals
First, they checked our birth dates and we were told the most auspicious moving in date.
Then, on the night before, we brought in 8 birds in a cage and left them over night in the new house. They are supposed to absorb all the bad 'chi' in the house.
Where did we get the birds? Apparently there are shops which sells them because this ritual is a very common one!
I asked if i could keep a bird or two as a pet. I was told no.
And the next day, at the auspicious time, we boiled water on a traditional stove at the entrance of the home till it boiled over. Supposed to symbolize abundance and our 'cup splilleth over'.
Then we released the birds from the cages. And with them, all the bad chi are removed from the house.
Apparently this is a Cantonese ritual when you move in.
Wendy and Hosanna told me about another ritual. To sprinkle a combination of salt, rice and something else ..... was it pepper? Or some kind of spice? I don't remember. But the combination is to be sprinkled in all corners of the new house.
Know of any other weird moving in rituals?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Honeymoon Destinations
But I can’t answer because that’s not been finalized yet and that’s a bit worrying because I’m trying to get everything done up as early as possible so that in the one week before the wedding, I can spend my days in the spas and the nights having sufficient sleep.
I’ve been told the last week before the wedding is the most harried. Sin Cyn was wondering how brides are supposed to look at their most beautiful and radiant on their wedding when they’re running around like headless chickens in the few weeks before.
But I’ve been so busy with all the other aspects of the wedding. It’s just now that I’ve got time to think about the honeymoon.
So I approached Live Life, Travel! Ashley and told him that I was thinking of Europe because I’ve always loved Europe, both Paul and I studied there and there are so many charming countries to go to which would be perfect for a honeymoon. We could go to a French vineyard to enjoy the outdoors and get drunk on wine and on love. We could ride the gondolas on Venice before the city sinks. We could kiss under the Eiffel tower and walk around in the most romantic city in the world.
But really, the Ringgit is not friends with the Euro. As soon as go there, we’ll have to cut our spending power by 80% and that’s not wise use of money. And don’t even talk about going to the UK.
So the next best option is to go some where closer to home where we can live like a king and queen without blinking an eye. We thought of Bali because that’s where Paul and I went for our 1st anniversary and that’s where he proposed too. Or maybe one of the many beautiful and happening islands in Thailand. But those places really aren’t that special for a honeymoon because we can go any time and a honeymoon should be special if one can afford it.
So option three was to go to an island a little further away since we both love the beach. So of course Maldives, Mauritius and Seychelles came to mind. Classic honeymoon destinations, right? But those places aren’t too cheap either! The honeymoon package in Club Med Kani in Maldives costs RM10,620 per person for the suite. And that’s for 5 nights only! Once we include the air fare and extend for a couple of nights ……
So we thought maybe Australia? Not the typical honeymoon destination and it is fairly close to home too. But Ashley made some enquiries anyway as he felt that we would enjoy the Gold Coast more than the other places we’ve discussed.
And it helps that Air Asia flies there. We’d save heaps!
So I did my research online to see if it’s a feasible honeymoon destination for us.
Among the activities, I was really exciting about are sky diving, bungee jumping, sitting in a plane doing acrobatics in the sky, flying a plane and a helicopter, going hand gliding, riding a hot air balloon, screaming on a roller coaster, wine tasting in vineyards, hugging a koala and feeding dolphins! And Paul wants to drive a V8 and go mountain biking.
Not very romantic or honeymoon-y activities.
We won’t be chilling on a beautiful beach together, but how memorable would our honeymoon be after throwing ourselves off a plane together as husband and wife. It may not be the most romantic but I’ve always preferred adrenaline pumping and excitement over warm hearts and soft kisses. It will be something we’ll remember for the rest of our lives and talked about for years to come.
The more I think about it, the more I think an adventure holiday is the best honeymoon we could ever have.
I’m going to reply Live Life, Travel! Ashley now!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Fine, I've Watched Dark Night
So I’ve watched it.
And I don’t understand why it’s the highest grossing show of all time. It was slow, a lil boring at times and fairly entertaining overall but not mind blowing. Certainly not as spectacular as how friends have described.
Suspect the main reason why it’s the highest grossing movie is cos everyone wants to see Heath Ledger’s last movie before his death.
I didn’t enjoy it that much but I’m glad I watched it. Just so people can stop saying:
“You haven’t watched it? Huh? OMG! You MUST!”
“What? You haven’t watched it??! You HAVE to watch it!!”
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Contractors' Timing
If they say they’ll get back to you in 2 weeks, triple it. After chasing and chasing, they’ll finally get back to you in 6 weeks.
And when they do get back to you, quite possible, they’ll get it done wrong. Then it’s another few days or weeks of rectification.
And for the rare contractor or vendor who’s polite, helpful and on time, their supplier will screw them over, resulting in yet again, late delivery dates.
After dealing with suppliers of wardrobes, grilles, curtains, furniture, electrical, white goods, framing, mirrors, plumbing, lighting, moving and general contracting works, only one or 2 did their jobs perfectly. So if you’re moving to a new place and planning to do some small renovating works, from the time u start speaking to vendors to the time u get to move in properly, give it a minimum of 3 months.
As of today, everything is almost completed. I just have to wait for some of the lights to be changed, some paint touch up work to be done, the sofa to be delivered and Streamyx to come in. I’ve been calling Streamyx for more than a week and still….. nothing. So here I am in a café checking my mail and blogging. So do bear with me if my posts are slow coming in. I fully intend to blog more once I’ve broadband in the new home.
I love everyone’s comments and would love to visit other people’s blogs. Once the darn broadband comes in and I can surf from the comforts of my own home!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, zzzzzzzzz
But the hard work and effort is definitely showing. The new house is coming up so beautifully. The paint work, wardrobes, curtains and almost all the furniture are in. But there are boxes everywhere and I’ll need a week more to put the contents in its place.
Fruitcake and Michelle Who Stays on the Seashore have been great. They’ve been helping me with the move and the organizing. And giving some excellent suggestions on what should go where
Soon I’ll be able to post pics up of the new place and also start having dinner parties!
I can’t wait!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Times Ware House Sale till 1 Sept 2008
But I love it. Ever on the lookout for the rare gem of a title and and a large discount to boot! And at my 3rd visit there, I found 'My Fat Brother' by Jim Keeble. That was Jim's first book and I rented it 5 years ago. Back when I didn't have that much money to buy books which are ridiculously expensive in Malaysia.
It was about this guy who had a fall out with his brother so he broke into the London Zoo to steal a penguin as a peace offering. Totally hilarious. Finally found it so I bought it to keep and possibly reread at some point if I ever manage to finish the 2 tall sacks of bought but unread books at home. I'm one of those who like to keep books after I've read them. Just looking at them on the book shelf gives me a small sense of joy. My new home will have 3 book cases and I can't wait to move in and fill them.
I can't seem to find Jim's second book 'Men And Other Mammals'. All the book shops don't seem to have stock of it. Maybe I'll find it at the Times book sale.
What Animal Is Master Shifu?
Apart from the latest 'The Mummy' which I watched only because Untold Images gave free tickets to all of Saatchi a few weeks ago, I've not watched any movies in months, at home or at the cinema.
So it was time to catch up! Paul and I just watched Kung Fu Panda which was totally hilarious and entertaining.
At the end of the movie, I still didn't know what animal Master Shifu was. Did u wonder that too? Because alot of other people did! I turned to the trusty net and found so many people asking the same question. He's a red panda! We don't know much about that creature but he sure is cute.
I now would like a red panda as a pet.
A Brief Explanation
On the first Monday which I didn’t need to be at work, I woke at 8am only to realize that I didn’t have to be at work.
I felt a sense of loss when I didn’t need to go to work. I wanted the familiar environment during a weekday, I wanted structure and I missed my friends and colleagues!
But as a wise friend told me, I’m not Bubbles of Saatchi. I’m Bubbles the Powerpuff Girl! I don’t need work to feel justified!
I now spend my time by planning for the weeding and the honeymoon, planning to move to a new home and lunches with all the colleagues I miss. And also catching up with friends whom I didn’t have time to meet because I was constantly tied up with work.
So for all the friends and readers who have been concerned after reading my last post, thank you but I’m in a very good place right now. It started out with apprehension, fear and doubt but right now, I could not have asked for a better outcome. How many people get to have time to plan their wedding and move house yet not have a need to worry about money?
I’m more tired now that I was when I was working. But I’m tired out doing all the things which are important to me and that makes all the difference in the world.
And best of all, once the wedding is over and I’ll come back from the honeymoon, I’ll be starting a new job in another agency with a better position and better pay. More details about that when I reach that bridge.
So really, I could not have asked for a better outcome for the position I was in.
Expect more posts from me now that I have more time on my hands and as the wedding comes closer.
I would like to express my deepest thanks to friends who have helped me trough this period. The things which you’ve done and even just your thoughts and support have touched me. I’m truly blessed.
Friday, August 08, 2008
A Sense of Loss
A change which came within 2 days grace
I can't say it was expected
Yet when the message came forth
A sense of shock descends
A 10 seconds lapse
The truth sets in
A dream for anyone in my position
Impossible for most
A timely gift is delivered
With shock comes appreciation
Precious time is given
After 3 years of mine
You'll remain in my heart
As I pack and leave
And wait 2 months
For our final farewell.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Chuka Zanmai again
We went back to Chuka Zanmai again and ate different things from Tuesday but about the same amount so can’t be asked to upload all the pics. The overall food taste was better this time tho. And the serve was just as good thanks to Jon the manager. And it was still at 50% off. Too good to be true.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Chukai Zanmai
Another interesting place makan place I’ve discovered is Chukai Zanmai which just opened in Plaza Damas. Yes, they’re of the same group as the popular Sushi Zanmai, Rakuzen and
Paul & I found out about it from Mng of Mng Bouquets whos florist shop is just opposite Chukai Zanmai which is the same row as Starbucks in Damas. He told us that the opening promo is 50% off everything on the menu (except for desserts). Half price on Jap food? Too good to be true right? So we had to go and we ordered:
Salmon sashimi in some kinda Chinese sauce
Garlic fried rice in a stone pot and ‘cooked’ at your table
The full spread
Black sesame ice cream in wafer shell
We felt that the taste of the food was so-so. A few dished were rather bland. But then we talked to the manager, Jon Cheang, and found out that the food is actually Japanese and Chinese fusion. That’s why there are a lot more noodles and not as much sushi or sashimi. The service was superb though but that’s only cos we hogged Jon’s time and not the other waiters.
We ate all of that and the bill came up to RM108 only!
We’ll definitely go back there again if only for value for money Jap food!
Don’t have their number but the website is Unfortunately the Chukai Zanmai contact details aren’t even on it!
They have not specified how long the promo is on for but it could be until their official opening on 8 August 2008.
Shopping in Nine West & Lunching at Cova
Nine West is one sale! In fact nearly every shop in all the malls are on sale. When I saw the words “Final Sale” on the Nine West window, my legs automatically walked in that direction. I should know better never to walk into a Nine West store especially when it’s shouting
In my excitement of paying for it so that I could bring it out of the shop and owning it, I bought a size too tight.
So today I had to go back to The Gardens to return it for the size with the better fit. Since we were there, Sin Cyn and I had lunch at Cova. Looked so nice but have not been in there before.
We ordered a sampler which consisted of chicken wings, crab cakes and fish bites (I’m saying bites instead of fingers cos they’re tiny), an aglio olio spaghetti and a potato with dipping sauce.
The fish in the sampler was really nice. The chicken wings’ batter was nice and light but the crab cakes were nothing to shout about.
The spaghetti was excellent. Light and al denta. I don’t understand why most places can’t do their pasta al dante! It’s the fundamentals of a pasta dish yet its often was too soft and soggy.
The potato was okay. Some pieces had a nice hard and almost crunchy consistency. But other pieces were just mushy to the bite.
We’ll definitely go back there again. For the spaghetti at least.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ikea Member's Sale
After many years of walking up and down Ikea following the path indicated by the bright yellow arrows on the floor and leaving Ikea with some bright yellow batteries, 4 vanilla scented candles, a picture frame of 3 grey pebbles and half a dozen of curry puffs even though I didn’t meant to, I’ll finally be shopping there and making a purchase totaling more than RM1,000 on a single receipt.
Yes I know I’m excited about spending money. It is strange. I understand that. But I also have this immense love for Ikea which I don’t understand. I could walk about for a few hours and be totally entertained going from the living rooms all the way to the check out counters. I feel like a kid in a humongous play area. There’s nothing you can’t touch, open, sit in, roll around on or bounce about on. Except that they now seal off the ladder on the double decker kids beds. I used to climb up there for a nap when I’m tired after walking about. These days I just sleep on any bed which looks the most comfortable and ignore the stares.
And I love their branding and marketing strategy. Ingvar Kamprad is a genius, whether he started out trying to achieve that or not.
Ikea’s member’s sale started today at 7am and would last till 10am before it was open to the public. Sin Cyn and I didn’t want to be too kiasu and be one of those people who are waiting outside the store before it even opens. So we arrived at 7.30am and were pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t too crowded.
We knew exactly what we wanted but the bright yellow tags with the 3 “!!!” indicated special sale items constantly pulled us away from our original path.
In the end I picked up 3 beige stone coloured tea light holders which I’ve wanted for ages. I also put into the shopping cart 2 rectangular sand blasted glass reading lamps which comes in a pair, one big and one small, which I’ve also wanted since the last time I saw it but Paul said not to buy yet. They were only RM59! TWO lamps made of really heavy glass that’s mouth blown (is that what the process is called?). How worth it is that? The 2 duvet covers which I’ve been eyeing for 1 year were also on sale. The exact 2 which I wanted in the exact colours. How could I not get it?
Those were the smaller and easier to carry items. They are now waiting for me in the car waiting for me to transport them to their new home.
I’m bringing Paul back tonight to buy the bigger items. The Hopen bed is on sale but we’re buying the Malm bed instead. In clear lacquered birch veneer (the pic shows the bed in medium brown). This is a bed I’ve been eying for 5 years! It’s so gorgeous!
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like the Malm design even though they may not buy it for various reasons. We’re also going to buy the book shelf cum storage area, also from the Malm range, which sits at the back of the headboard. The sides can be pulled out and made into side tables.
A new bed and 2 new duvet sets. I’m a very happy bunny!
I also want another Billy bookcase since it now comes in bright red. Billy is one of Ikea’s best selling book cases! We’re also going to get a Ronnskar mirror and matching shelf for the bathroom. Now that Paul and I are moving in together and we finally have a place to ourselves, these purchases are totally justified!
The Hopen chest of drawers may not be justified but it’s on sale! And I want the Expedit even though it’s not on sale.
Can’t wait to go back tonight!